This isn’t the most skillful painting. It was done as part of an art journal I kept in 2017/2018 (ohhhh how I’d love to go back to that. Argh. Maybe I SHOULD). So it wasn’t meant to be too serious. I’d just gotten a new Daniel Smith color. Moonglow. Ughhh it’s so beautiful. I wanted to try it and then this painting just came to me. So I will call it and tag it as a “study”.
I wanted the sky to “fall” so worked with vertical brushstrokes. The idea of a cabin in the middle of nowhere has always appealed to me. But rather than put this one in a forest, I put it out in the open, because to me that is the ultimate dream, really. Endless open views of surroundings and the night sky.
Painted with Winsor & Newton watercolors on Moleskin watercolor paper.
November 12, 2017